There is great gift to have a dog, but on the other side lot of sadness to loose our beloved 4 legs friend. Lady was gone during 10days. We hadn´t idea, she has cancer. One day she started to limp, we tried to solve it at the vet. It was ok during few other days but then she started to breath very unwell. The diagnosis was a nightmare - cancer was spread in her chest. She died at her 9 years. So young for malamute. We are lucky to still have here her mum Aura, but we are really heartbroken to loose her daughter Lady so young. She hiked with us in mountains during the summer. She run short scooter tracks in the early autumn and everything is gone now. Lady was special dog for us and really heartdog for our little daughter Sabina. She loved her so deeply and Lady loved her too. They were great couple. Goodbye Lady, we love you forever..
Jeff Double Trouble Polární úsvit - winner class - Exc.1, CAC, Best Male, BOB
Million Dollar Baby Polární úsvit - open class - Exc.1, CAC
We would like to thank everyone who actively monitored the growth of our puppies. I know that now I will praise my own litter, but from my point of view, it was 7 absolutely exceptional puppies. I would hardly look for exterior defects on them. It was difficult to choose which puppy should go at "show home" and which as a promised pet. We made and added piles of photos in their photo gallery here on the web and also on Facebook. Lots of videos we just shared on FB, which is the fastest way. I now plan to download other videos and upload them on Youtube as well. Pups have wonderful owners and I firmly hope that they will make them very happy. We will be able to see them not only at shows here in CZ, but also in the Netherlands, Lithuania, Denmark and Canada. It was very difficult to say goodbye to all puppies. Over the fact we have only Bella and Maisy for shows now, we decided not to keep the puppy this time. All 4 our dogs deserve to walk, run and spend time with us every day, so we will be happy to watch the puppies at their new homes and once may we are lucky to welcome here one of their "children"..
Today Bella gave birth to 7 beautiful puppies ! We have 1 boy and 6 girls ! The puppies are doing well and Bella is great mum ! We are over the moon, puppy time after 2 years ! We are looking for the summer full of puppy time !
We decided for this show, because they had a special program for kids to celebrate "children day". I have to say that they really enjoyed it. Both could participate in kids handling and junior handling. They presentated young Maisy and it really wasn´t easy ! But they both finished at 2nd place ! Sabina between little kids, who usually handled little dogs, lol! Dominik finished also at 2nd place, in junior handling 9-13 years. Both kids were definitely happy. And here the results of dog show:
Jeff Double Trouble Polární úsvit "Jeff" - champion class - Excellent 1, CWC, Best male, BOB
Million Dollar Baby Polární úsvit "Maisy" - intermedium class - Excellent 1, CWC
I use the text of my friend and Cochise owner Sharr : "Well don’t really know what to say, but what a huge surprise it was to receive Cochises MOYA results this morning , we really hoped for Top Veteran after the amazing year Cochise had had , but to find Cochise was also Once again Top Import was so wonderful a title he has gained a few times over the years from a youngster through to his now Veteran yrs , Hand on heart we never even thought any further than these placements so to find he has attained not only Top dog & Top Malamute and 3rd top stud dog ( with very limited progeny in the ring ) was just awesome
so Cochise is officially MOYA’s Top Malamute of the Year 2018 , our sincerest gratitude to all the judges that have thought so highly of our boy and made this possible"
I can write myself that I am so proud of beeing Cochise breeder, but I also know that this wouldn´t be ever possible without his great owners! Thank you Sharr and Jay !
Midning Runner Polární úsvit "Moon" - intermedium class - Exc.2, R.CAC
Lord Vader Polární úsvit "Lord" - open class - Exc.4
Jeff Double Trouble Polární úsvit "Jeff" - champion class - Exc.1, CAC
Million Dollar Baby Polární úsvit "Maisy" - intermedium class - VG
Kahlua Cream Polární úsvit "Bella" - champion class - Exc.1, CAC
We won BEST BREEDING GROUP again ! Once more huge thanks to all puppy owners for coming here and for great presentation. Big thanks also to honorable judge Mrs Lee Anne Bateman.
Leader of the team Polární úsvit "Shadow" - open class - Exc.3
Lord Vader Polární úsvit "Lord" - open class - Exc.4
Jeff Double Trouble Polární úsvit "Jeff" - champion class - Exc.2
Enormous Nugget Polární úsvit "Nuk" - veteran class - Exc.1, BOV, BOS
Million Dollar Baby Polární úsvit "Maisy" - intermedium class - Exc.2, R.CAC
Kahlua Cream Polární úsvit "Bella" - champion class - Exc.3
We got amazing news afternoon, after very busy morning full of dogs and friends.
Dominik took part in Junior Handling for the first time ever and he won Junior Handling 9 - 13 years!
As a TOP OF THE DAY we became BEST BREEDING GROUP. Huge thanks to all puppy owners for coming here and for great presentation. Big thanks also to honorable judge Darren Walker.
I can´t believe it, our dear Aura is 14th today. Aura, we wish you lot of healthy! We do maximum and we take best care about you. You are so important for us. Love you to the moon and back ! Lot of healthy sweetie. Happy birthday also to Aura´s sibling Andy, Asim, Atila..
Ch. Hawkeye Polární úsvit "Cochise" - Exc. 2 in very strong veteran class. Cochise owners: Dreamwolvez kennel, UK.
All our three dogs are available to stud for approved bitches. They are successful in shows, but also excellent workhorses. More informations you find on the card for each of them, including health outcomes, show results, pedigrees and photo gallery .
Our bitches, or as we call home GIRLS, from the youngest to the oldest grandmother. Their exterior and nature is extremely important for us, after all it's the mother of our offspring. Mainly, however, the members of our household and partacky for our children.
Look at the history of our puppies from the first litter in 2005. We usually one litter each year and bred puppy takes place in our heart. We strive for them to choose the best home and the owners require constant contact. There is no better reward than seeing a happy puppy living an active life in a loving family.
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